Centering the narrative around the solution, One Democratic State, sets the course and helps make sure efforts for Palestine aren't limited to the short-term, basically ending a genocide now only for another to start in a few years. It also helps make sure such efforts aren't hijacked toward non-solutions like two states, binationalism or confederation, whether by "light Zionists" or by well-meaning allies. And as the fundamental antithesis to Zionism, ODS also debunks the myth that Palestinians are out to genocide Jews and challenges the premise behind the existence of the settler-colonial state—that Jews can only be safe in a state exclusive to them.
This doesn't mean replacing our efforts with ODS, but rather centering them on ODS. Whatever we're doing for Palestine, we can keep doing, but with ODS as the goal—and let's be vocal about it!
Reach out to your networks
We are all in touch with a number of activists and supporters of the Palestinian cause, a number of whom have never heard about ODS, or support ODS but don't see the importance of talking about it—Why not reach out to them to discuss ODS with them, or at least send the website their way? Palestinians in particular might be interested in the Tomorrow's Palestine declaration!
Also, many of us are in touch with pro-Palestinian groups, whether that's activists, students or people in our field of work. Since there's already some organization there, how about holding a meeting or e-meeting with an ODS supporter?
Take part in local events
Most of us are out there at protests—why not print out our visuals to hand out flyers about ODS or raise ODS banners, give speeches about ODS, or reach out to those who do. Many of us also regularly attend physical or online events about Palestine—why not bring up ODS there and see who's interested?
Get the word out there on media and social media
There's tons to do there!
- Content creation: Would you like to prepare captions for the Initiative's social media, prepare posters or videos, or write op-eds? (we provide the training!)
- Outreach: Would you be able to get in touch with local media or with pro-Palestinian influencers, podcasts or other channels on social media?
- Social networking: People mention ODS every day on Reddit, Twitter and other social media—They just need someone to point them to the Initiative!
Serve as a liaison with groups sympathetic to ODS
One of the Initiative's main objectives is to mobilize pro-Palestinian groups—whether that's political movements, students' movements, syndicates, anti-Zionist Jews or others—behind a common objective: A transition from the "Jewish state" to a democratic one. Could you take part in this work and serve as a liaison between such groups and the Initiative?
Which brings up what is probably the most important thing you can do for Palestine: Educate yourself about ODS. One way to do this would be to set aside some time to go through everything on the website and in our articles and videos, and to discuss (and challenge!) what you've learned with other ODS supporters.
How much time do we need to dedicate?
Obviously, the more time we can dedicate to the cause, the more fruitful it will be. But what's more important than dedicating more time is dedicating regular time. Could you set aside one hour a week for Palestine? This time can be spent in any of the areas described above—Our advice would be to pick something you would enjoy doing. And as we mentioned above, if you're already engaged in other areas, you don't need to do less there—just be vocal about ODS wherever you are.
OK, that's something I'm willing to do. What next?
Are you registered as a supporter of the ODS Initiative? If not, we invite you to sign up and check the "willing to help" box—Your local coordinator will email you back soon afterward. If so, your local coordinator should already have gotten in touch with you, so please discuss what you'd like to help with. If you're not sure who the coordinator is, just email us and we'll put you in touch!