
We welcome your donations, which help with technical expenses such as hosting the website or our Zoom subscription, and with efforts to reach Palestinians and Israelis such as social media advertising or flyers and banners. The One Democratic State Initiative is registered as a non-profit in France. Our bank account there was closed "unexpectedly", as part of the global anti-Palestinian efforts. We are looking to register new associations and open new bank accounts elsewhere. In the meanwhile, instead of asking you to send your donations to our account, we instead ask you to let us know of your willingness to donate a certain amount via this form. We will then contact you when we need to make a purchase.

We thank you again for your willingness to help. We particularly welcome your taking active part in our efforts, whether online or on the ground or by networking with pro-Palestinian individuals and organizations. If you can dedicate as little as one hour a week to such efforts, please sign up and check the "I might be able to help" box so we can talk about what you could do.

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